ArticlePage accordion

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Accordion titel 2

Faktaboks uden for accordion titel

Titel 1

Trees live in your fan brush, but you have to scare them out. Painting should do one thing. It should put happiness in your heart. Get tough with it, get strong. In your imagination you can go anywhere you want. You want your tree to have some character. Make it special. Just think about these things in your mind - then bring them into your world.

We can always carry this a step further. There's really no end to this. You can work and carry-on and put lots of little happy things in here. Do an almighty painting with us. By now you should be quite happy about what's happening here.

Titel 2

Trees live in your fan brush, but you have to scare them out. Painting should do one thing. It should put happiness in your heart. Get tough with it, get strong. In your imagination you can go anywhere you want. You want your tree to have some character. Make it special. Just think about these things in your mind - then bring them into your world.

We can always carry this a step further. There's really no end to this. You can work and carry-on and put lots of little happy things in here. Do an almighty painting with us. By now you should be quite happy about what's happening here.

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